Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gettin Ma Sexy On

So I've restarted P90X a couple times (epic fail!) but I've made a serious commitment this time. My birthday was on the 9th and that day I decided to just do it all the way through and be done with it so I did. It's been about a week and a half and guess what! My midsection is already looking more toned (not a whole lot but more than it was) and I've lost 2lbs! Wooo!

I'm really gonna do it this time and Imma bring sexy back y'all!

I already bought a sexy bathing suit as my victory celebration and I'm excited.

Thanks for reading all!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello all!

If you recall, I redid some of my braidlocks as twists to try and help the process along. Well, those that have been redone have officially entered the "teenage stage." The back is doing its thing and maturing quite well.. but the front... its all over the place!

See, I was ok with the teenage stage before when the front wasn't doing anything. Now all the madness is right in my face. I wish it didn't bother me. I really do. I knew this stage was coming. I've read all the forums, blogs, etc. I know this stuff and yet... here I am... bothered by it. GRR!

Thanks for reading lovely ppl!
